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VMI Corps Physical Training Facility Phase II

Lexington, VA

A complex CM@Risk project involving comprehensive, multi-phased renovations to two existing athletic and physical training facilities on VMI’s Post; Cormack and Cocke Halls. The project included complete modernization of the facilities to meet the needs of 21st century athletic training programs as well as current building and safety codes. Both buildings have received LEED Silver accreditation from the USBGC.

The renovated Cormack Hall houses the Physical Education Department (previously housed in Cocke Hall) and includes faculty offices, facilities to support “specific” academic courses, classrooms, multi-purpose courts, combatives/wrestling area, and exercise science laboratories. The renovated Cocke Hall includes enhanced physical training areas, weight and cardio training rooms, restrooms, and cadet activity spaces. Branch worked closely with VMI staff and the end users to develop creative phasing plans to safely coordinate our work around on-going VMI activities both within the facilities and in the highly active adjacent areas surrounding the building on the VMI Post.

Virginia Military Institute