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4 Million Hours – Safety Achievement

May 30, 2019

The Branch Group recently established a new record of hours worked without a lost time injury…4.9 million.
When it comes to safety, we place our primary focus on leading indicators (those that indicate progress) like minor incidents, near misses and project-level safety inspection scores rather than lagging indicators (those that measure incidents after the fact) like recordable or lost time rates.
But at times it is a good thing to recognize accomplishments in our lagging indicators.
What is most amazing about this accomplishment is that it happened organically. No goal, no promotion, it just happened because it is who we are at this point.
Congratulations to the entire Branch team on the outstanding achievement!

Danny Minnix, Vice President of Safety


About Branch

Headquartered in Roanoke, Virginia, and serving clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States, Branch touches all aspects of the built environment. As a full-service construction solutions partner, Branch is committed to exceptional performance and to developing business relationships sustained by mutual benefit and respect.

Branch has total revenues of over $500 million and a workforce of more than 1,000 employee-owners. Through its Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), Branch ensures every employee has a vested interest in its success. Visit or to learn more.